Sunday, January 30, 2011

Those Little Life Lessons

My husband and I were having a conversation about daily thoughts and little life lessons.  He asked if I had any that occurred on a daily basis.  For Dave it was closing the cereal bag inside the cereal box.  He could remember being at his best friend’s house, his second home, and closing the box top to put the cereal away.  His friend’s dad stopped him - showed him how to crumple and roll the bag inside first to keep the cereal fresh.  For years, every time Dave put away the box of cereal, he would think of that moment with his best friend’s dad.  
He shared another story about shaving.  Each day when he stood in front of the mirror to shave Dave would recall his high school history teacher, who had a full beard, explaining to the class how he did indeed shave (his neck) every single day.
For me - every time I brush my teeth I picture a babysitter I had when I was nine.  I can still see her sitting on the edge of our claw foot tub, showing me how to make tiny circles with the tooth brush.  There is rarely a day that goes by with out recalling that little life lesson.  Along the same lines - every time I my tooth paste tube starts running low, I picture my dad showing me how to fold and roll it from the end forward.  
Sometimes, it might not be a lesson - just a thought.  For a friend it was his brother’s military ID number that popped into his head every single day. 
These are such insignificant moments - but at the same time they have life long effects!  Who could predict their relevance?
So I ask you - what are yours?  What little lessons did you learn randomly that stick with you even today?  What strange and seemly unrelated thoughts do you have on a daily basis?  Please share!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hellish Hives and a Heavenly Husband

This past week has been one of my worst weeks ever.  After a minor illness and a massive allergic reaction to an antibiotic I was given, I am trying to find something - anything! positive to think about. 

I had hives everywhere, and I do mean EVERYWHERE on my body.  I should clarify - I don’t mean the occasional red bump here and there.  I mean the kind of swollen, masses of red that that cover your entire body - with little to no white spots in sight!  They itched so badly that I found myself jumping up suddenly and pacing like a caged animal because I felt like there were bolts of electricity coursing through my veins (or five cans of Red Bull).  I had been running outside and grabbing chunks of frozen snow to rub all over my skin.  If it were only the soft powder - and my neighbors not so close - I’d have done naked snow angels out there too!  The nights had been sleepless, due to the fact that I had so many itches at once, I couldn’t possibly NOT scratch some of them.  Then of course there was the fact that my skin was so red it was purple, and gave off as much heat as a nuclear reactor!  Anyone who gets hives, and I am so sorry if you are one of those people, knows how absolutely insane it makes you.
Thankfully the steroids kicked in, the trip to the ER was not necessary, and I am slowly regaining my sanity.  I am also realizing how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband.  Needless to say, this week had brought a few breakdowns - several puddles of tears that my husband was nice enough to mop up!  He was such a source of strength, patience, and kindness, it actually humbles me.  He managed the kids, the meals, the laundry, the medicines and doctor visits, the snow days and snow blowing, his job and my mess - all with such calmness and fortitude.  He was and is my savior - my guardian angel in the flesh.  So I would simply like to express my thanks to him - David!
Here’s to the angels in your lives - the ones who know just how to help at just the right moments! 

Monday, January 10, 2011


I’ve discovered that I have a fascination with books that deal with death.  Don’t ask me why - because I cry at the drop of a hat (or any Hallmark commercial).  So of course, I generally cry my way through these books.  But I love them none-the-less.  Maybe I find them cathartic; its easier to go through someone else’s painful story.  Or maybe I love hearing different concepts of the afterlife.  Whatever the reasons, I know there are a few of you out there who know what I’m talking about - so here are a couple of my favorite books on the subject:
The Mercy of Thin Air by  Ronlyn Domingue  
This is probably my ALL TIME favorite book, ever!  Its about a woman who dies at the age of 20 - just as her life is starting.  But she doesn’t want to be dead.   So she spends the next few decades as a ghost - stuck in between worlds - until she can make her peace with this life.  I won’t write more than that - you need to read it. 
Young Adult:
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
This book wins the most original Afterlife Concept award.  Its about a girl who dies at the age of 15 - again, she doesn’t want to be dead.  In fact,  she doesn’t realize she is dead until her trip to Elsewhere on the SS Nile cruise liner  has come to an end.  She must then embark on the next phase of her life, with all new (also dead) people, in Elsewhere.  Here she must age backwards until she can born again into a new life.  It is just so intriguing of an idea!  What a great classroom discussion that would lead to!
I know, I know!  You are probably asking where is the Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold on my list?  I have to say that I didn’t read it (or see the movie).  That one is a little too tough for me - a brutal rape and death - of a child!  And then watching her whole family deal with it?  I’m not sure I can handle that.  But maybe you’ll convince me - those of you who have read it!
Anyway - I hope you check out these books.  Or let me know your thoughts if you already have!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

More serious matters

serendipity |ˌserənˈdipitē|
Onto more serious matters - why I like the word serendipity so much:  First of all the sound of it.  It is one of those perfectly melodious words that just simply sounds lovely (like melodious!)  Each syllable rising and falling like a roller coaster ride.
Secondly the meaning.  It seems hard to beat way the word sounds - but I have to say the meaning of the word takes the cake!  
According to Merriam-Webster it means: 
the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.  
Or the New Oxford American Dictionary’s version: 
the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  Kind of like the way my mother, who decided to move our family out of Brooklyn, into the countryside of Connecticut, found our house.  She happened to drive from Bethel northward.  Having no real destination, she decided to explore the area.  She drove through New Milford and Washington, following the map - taking one random road after another, hoping to weave her way back.  She found herself in Roxbury (which is hard to get to by accident!) and happened to pass a beautiful 100 year old farm house.  My mother stopped to admire it - or rather to fall in love with it!  It was only after she decided to continue her journey that she saw the For Sale sign!  There it was - serendipity!  She bought it, we moved, and that is where so much of our family history happened.
My long winded point is that I hope this blog page will be a little like my mother’s exploratory drive.  Finding things as we go; new ideas, new lessons, new sights, new connections.  I hope I can share some thoughts that ring true for you - and that in turn you will open new doors and bring me into new worlds that I had not expected to find: finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.  
So, may we ‘Serendipity’ together!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sweet Serendipity

So for weeks, I have been searching for a name for my blog page - wanting it to be something with meaning, significance.  Something with relevance to my life as a children’s writer and newly started blogger.  But something sort of fun and whimsical.  
Serendipity is my all time favorite word so I’ve been trying to find a way to use that in the name.  I’ve been asking friends for ideas (and getting lots of great ones).  But, to quote the beloved Bono, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”.  
And then what to my wondering ears do I hear?  There on XM Radio - last season’s American Idol winner with the words I’ve been searching for: Lee DeWyze is singing my song - Sweet Serendipity.  
Now I don’t mean this offensively - but, how is it that these practically teeny-bopper, idol-ish,  pop stars can peg my 41 year old trials (Miley Cyrus with The Climb), my tribulations  (Everlast with What Its Like) and now - my sweetly serendipitous life by Lee DeWyze?  
Maybe I just need to acknowledge that good things can come from the most random of places - and be happy with that!